Emma & Friends
Karyn, Emma's devoted youth leader and nurse extraordinaire (she was my nurse when Samuel was born), was hoping we'd raise about a hundred bucks. Because of the generosity of our loving community, almost $500 was given to the young family! Emma was deeply moved by people who gave extra--especially when they didn't even know the family. Yeah...we live in a pretty sweet town.
About a week later, our homeschooling group went to a nursing home to chat with the residents, help them make Valentine's Day crafts, and provide some entertainment (a song, poetry recitation, etc.). This was the first time the children and I did something like this together, and after you watch the video, you'll agree we've got no place to go but up. (Jeffrey did a splendid job, I must say. The rest of it is a little...comical.)
The best part is at the end, when Samuel knocks over the huge plywood heart behind us. Or, when Lydia steps right up to the microphone and you can only hear her voice. Or, when Samuel says, "Don't spank my bottom!" (I was trying to clap while I was holding him, that's all.) I don't know...vote your favorite.
Do you ever feel like you're that family? The one other people sort of shake their heads at with a mixture of compassion and pity? *SIGH*
Thankfully, this video was a re-staging (because I'd forgotten to ask anyone to record the real thing). The event was over, and most of the residents had gone back to their rooms. I am SO hoping the first rendition went better than this one. At any rate, I know the plywood heart was in the right place. And so were our hearts. We wanted to brighten up the residents' day, and I'm sure we did at least that! I know this kid charmed a few of the ladies:
P.S. I gave both boys haircuts the next day.