Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I love making new year's resolutions.  Hopeless optimist?  You betcha.  One of my favorite lines in Anne of Green Gables is, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"  Likewise, 2014 is a new year with no mistakes in it.  I will always make new year's resolutions--even if I'm not very good at keeping all of them.

Some that I have kept (more or less) over the last few years are:
  • Invite people over for dinner once every month or so
  • Read my Bible daily
  • Expand my recipe repertoire (this is still a work in progress)
  • Become a better pianist (getting there, but have not yet "arrived")
  • Lose fifteen pounds (well...I've lost twelve)

For 2014, I actually have seven resolutions.  Hmmm...they're goals, really.  And the reason I have so many is because there is simply a lot of room for improvement here.  

1. Be more generous with my money, possessions, time, and spirit (as opposed to a critical spirit).
2. Read the Bible chronologically, one chapter at a time, with a pen and notebook handy.  This will take about three years, I'm guessing, to read the entire Bible.  I've done The One Year Bible for three or four different years, and I've enjoyed it.  The editors chose a portion from the Old Testament, a portion from the New Testament, a psalm, and a couple of verses from Proverbs for each day's reading.  It adds up to about three chapters' worth of the Bible per sitting.  I'd like to slow down this year, and read more systematically.  Lately, I can't remember if what I read this morning was from Zechariah or Revelation (both prophetic books).  It doesn't take much to confuse me.  ; )  

3. Delegate more chores to my children.  They've had it pretty easy.  It's time.

4. Practice music daily--piano and/or violin and/or ukulele.  Even if all I can muster is 15 minutes, at least it's something.

5. Do cardio 3X per week and toning 3X per week (alternating days).  You know that exercise had to sneak in this list somewhere.

6. Be in bed by 11PM most nights.

7. Methodically purge unused, unloved possessions from our entire home.  I'm reading a book called The Joy of Less by Francine Jay.  It's been very motivating for me to want to live a more minimalist lifestyle.  We have so much and waste so much.  I've already given away about half of my clothes, and now there's so much space in my closet that I can make a little "woman cave" in there.  Okay, woman cave isn't the best term.  I think I'll call it a "mom nave"--a little sanctuary place for me to read, write, pray, play music, think in complete get the idea.

And now, here is an opportunity for me to exercise Resolution #1.  Samuel (6yo) just said to me, "Mom, let me ask you a question.  What's more important...the computer or feeding your children?"  I'm going to be generous with my time now and get the boy a snack.

Happy new year!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Two Kinds of Cold

It's a whoppin' 2°F today.  I don't care that we're almost out of milk.  I'm not going anywhere.

Half of us picked up a cold in Florida while on vacation.  Now that just doesn't seem right, does it?  First of all, we were on vacation--so...not fair.  Secondly, it was beautifully balmy weather!  I guess cold germs like warm weather too.

I have a lot to blog about regarding our vacation (we did the whole Disney thing), but that will come later.  I've got a bajillion things to do today.  In fact, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed since we got back home on Sunday morning.  Part of that is likely due to sleep deprivation.  We drove through the night on Saturday, so my internal clock has been broken.  Add to that a couple of coughing fits through the night (the kids--not me), and it makes me think I won't be fully rested until January something-or-other.  I couldn't get back to sleep after giving Lydia some medicine early this morning, but it was kind of a blessing.  I had a couple of hours to pray and plan, and give my overwhelming feelings to the Lord.  I'll be tired later, but at least I'm feeling less stressed now.

On a fun note, there's such great musical TV going on!  I just finished watching The Sound of Music with Carrie Underwood as Maria.  (Dave recorded it for me since I was at worship team practice when it aired.)  Her singing is throatier than Julie Andrew's, and her acting wasn't the best, but I still loved it.  This was Lydia's first exposure to this musical (I know!  How could I have waited this long?!  She's nine already!), and she loved it, too.  She asked me, "Mom, how do you know all of the words to the songs?"

Oh, and The Sing-Off starts up again on Monday!  And get's on three times next week!  So, I'd better get to work on "a few of my bajillion things" so I'll have time to watch it.  I haven't done any Christmas decorating yet.  We got home Sunday morning, and after a nap, my day was all about unpacking, laundry, and grocery shopping.  Then, a full week of school and activities.  Phew!  

Well, on to decking the halls!  I'll post pictures later.